Back in 2020 on Twitter…

Twitter Data: A Glimpse into the Pandemic Era

Posted on 07/06/2023 by Dr. Marie-Eve Bélanger
In the fast-paced digital age, social media platforms have proven to be powerful tools for communication and information dissemination. Among these platforms, Twitter has stood out as a major player, allowing individuals from various backgrounds and interests to voice their thoughts in real-time. However, the trust and reliance on this platform have evolved over time, and when we look back at the data we collected in 2020, we can observe the impact it had during the pandemic.
During the unprecedented global health crisis, political actors across Europe turned to Twitter as an influential means of communication. They utilized the platform extensively to share updates, policies, and restrictions related to health and mobility measures. Our research focused on studying European actors, and the data we collected revealed a fascinating trend: at one point in time (May 2020) Covid-related tweets surpassed all other tweets combined.

To illustrate this finding, we present a bar race chart below that highlights the dominance of Covid-related communication among the political actors on Twitter during 2020.

source: covid data collected by the author

Looking at this visualization, we can observe a remarkable surge in the number of Covid-related tweets, steadily outnumbering every other type of tweet over time in the spring of 2020.

This extensive use of Twitter by political actors underscores the platform's influence and ability to shape public discourse during critical times. It also serves as a reminder of the transformative power of social media in facilitating rapid information dissemination, connecting people, and influencing public opinion.

While the trust in social media platforms has evolved since 2020, it is essential to acknowledge the role they played in providing real-time updates, sharing crucial information, and giving a voice to the political actors in navigating the challenges posed by the pandemic.

As we continue to adapt to a post-pandemic world, it is vital to reflect on the importance of responsible and accurate use of social media platforms. The insights provided by the data collected in 2020 serve as a valuable reminder of the impact and significance of Twitter and its potential to shape public conversations in times of crisis.

Stay tuned for more interesting insights and developments as we delve deeper into the vast world of social media data analysis!


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